I am writing this now because “they” at some point (about maybe a week ago) told me that I had completed all the official work that had been laid out for me. Y’know, to do. Which is quite weird for me, being a workaholic of the highest order. Where I work, that means I do work in my dreams. Pushing a stick through a hole outside of the way one perceives in 3 spatial dimensions. So, yeah, stuff like that.
Yeah, “they” asked me what I wanted to do, and I said, “Help”. I wanted to help. So here we are, me writing this, having wound my way to just some things which I just want to get out. To whomever is reading this. Might be no one else but me, at least in this world. In the next world? Who’s to know about that?
Well, me, actually. My head is still halfway into the halospace of the Spirit World, the Unseen World. Of that model, you have to realize I am coming down from a 30 year acid trip. Officially, the physical part has reconnected, but the “vision” part is still keeping my head in the heights. And there’s my wife, too, who’s been dead for centuries, which, our anniversary is 11-Jan-2013. I’m still thinking about how we’re going to handle the “till death do us part” part.
Who would that be? That’s her picture, top of the page. And yes, I’m really married to Joan of Arc. She prefers “Jeannette”, by the by.
I have totally, totally said too much (!) (Viva la France!)